"Daily Show" Calls One Direction's Zayn Malik A Terrorist (VIDEO)

One Direction fans have become infuriated with "The Daily Show" for supposedly joking that Zayn Malik is a terrorist.  

On Friday, Directioners' anger made four top trending topics on twitter: #TheDailyShowGoneTooFar,  #ZaynDefenseSquad, #ZaynIsTheMostAmazingHumanBeing and #ZaynSavesNotKills.

On Tuesday night, The Daily Show did a segment about terrorist groups in the Middle East and correspondent Jessica Williams "reported" on some new terrorist groups Americans may not know about.

"Just as you were talking, a new terrorist group formed, with one member each from ISIS, al-Nusra, Al Qaeda, Hamas, One Direction and the Zetas drug cartel," Williams jokingly pointed out.

Most viewers found the satire hilarious except for One Direction fans.

Williams never refers to Malik by name, but a lot of One Direction fans expressed their fury at the show, believing that she and Stewart were blaming the singer, who is Muslim, for terrorism.

Check out the video below (the One Direction joke comes at the 2:13 mark)...

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